James B. Huntington, Ph.D.
AJSN News Release



For Immediate Release                                                                      Contact:  James B. Huntington 845.456.0115



                                      AMERICAN WORKERS COULD ABSORB 16.6 MILLION ADDITIONAL JOBS

Royal Flush Press, in Eldred, New York, has developed a key economic indicator.  The American Job Shortage Number, or AJSN, maintained since August 2012, shows latent demand for jobs in the United States.  The number is taken by conservatively estimating the shares of people in 11 different categories who would work if jobs were readily available. 

The current AJSN, using detailed Bureau of Labor Statistics data released October 4, 2024, is 16.6 million.  The AJSN is broader-based than the unemployment rate, and answers the question of how many new jobs could be quickly filled.  The current AJSN’s breakdown is available on the Work’s New Age blog, at http://worksnewage.blogspot.com.  A question-and-answer article, complete with a full description of AJSN methodology, is at http://182548.myauthorsite.com/control_panel/standard_pages/edit.php?page_id=293. Historical data, along with how the AJSN fits in with other economic indicators, can be found  at http://worksnewage.blogspot.com/2012/09/historical-american-job-shortage-number.htmlhttp://worksnewage.blogspot.com/2013/10/ajsn-data-for-13-months-and-20-years.html, and  http://worksnewage.blogspot.com/2015/01/the-ajsn-vs.html.  

Royal Flush Press is also the publisher of two acclaimed books on jobs in America.  Most recently, Choosing a Lasting Career:  The Job-by-Job Outlook for Work’s New Age.  Before that, it published Work’s New Age:  The End of Full Employment and What It Means to You, a 2012 IPPY Award winner. 

James B. Huntington, keeper of the AJSN and author of the books above, also writes the Work’s New Age blog at http://worksnewage.blogspot.com/.  He hosts the WORK SHIFT radio show on WJFF 90.5 FM in Jeffersonville, New York and worldwide online.  He has a Ph.D. in Applied Management and Decision Sciences from Walden University.  He also has a B.A. in sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and an M.B.A. from the University of Phoenix.  His 2007 dissertation, Prospects for Increased Post-65 Career Employment for the Baby Boom Generation, is the only book ever published on that subject. He has also written scholarly works on leadership, organizational change, and human development, and has been a business professor, teacher, and professional speaker.  He is married and lives in Eldred, New York.

Work’s New Age and Choosing a Lasting Career are available at www.amazon.com, www.barnesandnoble.com, and at most bookstores (on the shelves or special-ordered).  They can also be obtained from the publisher at www.royalflushpress.com or 845-456-0115, and on eBay.  Kindle and Nook electronic versions are also on the market.



Royal Flush Press, 18 Collins Rd., Eldred, NY 12732-0190 USA

Tel: 845.456.0115, Fax: 845.557.0353 

jhuntington@royalflushpress.com                                            http://www.royalflushpress.com